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Chinchilla Boarding

Going on vacation can be very stressful for you and your chinchilla. Some things you will need to consider are:

These and many other questions can cause a lot of worry and stress for both you and the chinchilla.

Cuddle Bug Chinchillas can help you. We offer experienced care for your chinchilla while you are away. Your chinchilla will be kept in a clean, temperature controlled environment. All of your chinchilla’s needs will be met. There will be someone present 24/7. We will even take them to the vet of your choice if they are ill or injured (at the owner’s expense, of course). You can bring you own cage, or we can use one of ours (providing we have an empty cage).

Our price for these services is $5 per day or $21.00 per week, per chinchilla, plus any supplies such as feed, hay cubes, dust, and bedding that may be used to take care of your pet. You are encouraged to bring you own supplies so your chinchilla is fed the brands they are used to. We only charge for supplies when it is necessary for us to use our supplies. Special care for ill, injured, or newborn chinchillas is extra.

We have included a calculator to help you estimate the boarding cost. This is only an estimate.

Switch to Date Range Switch Days/Weeks Version
Number of Chinchillas: 
Number of Weeks:
Number of Days:
Bringing Food/Hay:
Own Food:
Own Hay:
Own Hay Cubes:
Bringing Supplies:
Own Dust Bath:
Own Chew Toys:
Own Bedding:

Number of Chinchillas: 
Boarding Start Date:
Boarding End Date:
Bringing Food:
Own Food:
Own Hay:
Own Hay Cubes:
Bringing Supplies:
Own Dust Bath:
Own Chew Toys:
Own Bedding:

SubTotal: $0


Food 50¢ per day $0

Hay 5¢ per day $0

Hay Cubes 5¢ per day $0


Dust Bath 50¢ each1$0

Chew Toys $1.50 each2$0

Pine Bedding $3 per change3$0


Final Estimate$0

Weeks: $0

Days: $0

Subtotal: $0


Food 50¢ per day $0

Hay 5¢ per day $0

Hay Cubes 5¢ per day $0


Dust Bath 50¢ each1 $0

Chew Toys $1.50 each2 $0

Pine Bedding $3 per change3$0


Final Estimate$0

When you drop off your chinchilla, we will have you fill out a contract and information form.

If you are interested in boarding your chinchilla with us, please contact us here.
